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Prenatal Herbal Tea

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Naturally designed for prenatal nourishment

・100% natural and caffeine-free tea to help ease prenatal discomfort
・With a mild and refreshing flavor, blending over a dozen selected ingredients to replenish all the nutrients you need during pregnancy
・Simple and easy to brew or cook into a soup with your favorite ingredients

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Type | 1 box

Why We Created This

Congratulations on your pregnancy! Having a baby is a significant event for the whole family, as it involves the care and effort of fathers and mothers-to-be as well as the entire family!

Formulated based on the traditional concepts and cooling principles in Chinese herbal medicine and specifically created for pregnant women, Windmill Wellness has designed this soothing tea for moms who are 3 months pregnant to help ease prenatal discomforts, such as sleep, constipation, and increased body temperatures!

Main Ingredients
Astragalus Root, Rehmannia Root, Licorice, Bighead Atraclylodes Rhizome, Chinese Yam, Bulbus Lili, Chinese Angelica Root, Wolfberry Fruit, Pilose Asiabell Root, White Peony Root, Wheat Germ, Black Bean, Lotus Seed, Oat, Black Sesame, Red Date

Perfect for pregnant moms on the go!







A2:可以,經過多年的研發,孕媽咪養生茶適合各種體質,都可以在孕期 3 個月以上飲用,做為產前涼補、營養補充!

Q3:為什麼要 3個月以上才可使用?


A3:3個月的胎兒雛形已漸漸發育完全,寶寶能從母體完全吸收營養成份,所以會建議在懷孕 3個月以後飲用,它不僅成份溫和,可以幫助促進孕媽咪的新陳代謝、舒緩懷孕進入中期不適等情形。



A4:媽媽懷孕 3個月以上可以喝,但請勿於產後坐月子期間及生理期飲用,因為孕媽咪養生茶是產前涼補配方。產前沒有喝完的孕媽咪養生茶包可以在坐完月子後(產後60天)再沖泡飲用,可幫助新陳代謝。



A5:可以的!我們內茶包袋是耐高溫 110度,所以是可以加 450cc,加排骨、雞肉、蔬菜一起煮成湯品即可!