Especially designed for moms after 3 months of pregnancy, Prenatal Herbal Tea is a cooling tonic with natural ingredients and no caffine or additives, making it super soothing and safe to drink!
— Summer
Naturally designed for prenatal nourishment
・100% natural and caffeine-free tea to help ease prenatal discomfort
・With a mild and refreshing flavor, blending over a dozen selected ingredients to replenish all the nutrients you need during pregnancy
・Simple and easy to brew or cook into a soup with your favorite ingredients
— Summer
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Having a baby is a significant event for the whole family, as it involves the care and effort of fathers and mothers-to-be as well as the entire family!
Formulated based on the traditional concepts and cooling principles in Chinese herbal medicine and specifically created for pregnant women, Windmill Wellness has designed this soothing tea for moms who are 3 months pregnant to help ease prenatal discomforts, such as sleep, constipation, and increased body temperatures!
Main Ingredients
Astragalus Root, Rehmannia Root, Licorice, Bighead Atraclylodes Rhizome, Chinese Yam, Bulbus Lili, Chinese Angelica Root, Wolfberry Fruit, Pilose Asiabell Root, White Peony Root, Wheat Germ, Black Bean, Lotus Seed, Oat, Black Sesame, Red Date
A5:不會唷!只需按照我們的燉煮方式,使用電鍋或瓦斯爐,3個步驟簡單就能完成1日的2-3餐,先生、保姆、家人都可以輕鬆搞定: 1、將一包藥膳包放入鍋內,加入1,200c.c.米酒水 / 水,浸泡1小時。 2、加入川燙過的肉食與蔬菜,外鍋加2杯水後蓋上外蓋,壓下煮食開關 / 以小火燉煮40分鐘。 3、煮熟後即可享用。
Ingredients: Astragalus Root, Rehmannia Root, Licorice, Bighead Atraclylodes Rhizome, Chinese Yam, Bulbus Lili, Chinese Angelica Root, Wolfberry Fruit, Pilose Asiabell Root, White Peony Root, Wheat Germ, Black Bean, Lotus Seed, Oat, Black Sesame, Red Date
Content: 15 sachets/box, 13g per sachet.
Expiration Date: 2 years
Storage: Keep in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
Product of Taiwan
All raw materials for food and medicine are rigorously tested by SGS
No pesticide or heavy metal residues
Manufactured in ISO22000-certified pharmaceutical plants
Crafted with meticulous precision under medical-grade standards
Global product liability insurance of NT$30 million
Protecting your health with rigorous food and medicine safety
Founded in 1995 by Dr. Shu Chi Chuang
A century of wisdom passed down through three generations
Incorporating concepts from both traditional Chinese and Western medicine, as well as dietary and medicinal supplementation principles
Addressing the health needs of women
Tailored planning by dedicated nutritionists
Serving millions of women worldwide