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Invigorating Herbal Tea

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Enhanced Bone and Joint Care, Improved Metabolism 

・ A fragrant tea made from high-quality roasted black beans and Eucommia leaves
・ Specially formulated to improve metabolism and enhance your bone and joint strength
・ Easy to make and drink as part of your daily routine, and contains no caffeine, sugar, or additives

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Type | 1 box

Why We Created This

The Invigorating Herbal Tea was Created After I Completed a 7-hour, 42km Marathon at the Age of 75.

Accomplishing a feat like a marathon at the age of 75—something usually reserved for much younger people—requires more than just a determined heart, it is also essential to have a strong and vigorous body! As I watched people in their 40s and 50s drop out over the course of the marathon, I was inspired to create the Invigorating Herbal Tea, which would nourish people’s bodies and help them feel 20 to 30 years younger and full of energy. It is also ideal for supplementing the nutrition of the elderly.

Main Ingredients
Eucommia Leaves, Black Bean, Licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) root

Research and Development Team

For a long time, Dr. Shu Chi Chuang and I have been promoting preventive medicine together, embracing the dietary wisdom bestowed by nature. Following the principle of 'kitchen instead of pharmacy, food supplementation instead of medicinal supplementation,' we hope to assist everyone in improving their constitution by cultivating good dietary habits.

— Dr. Jin Funn Chuang

Practical ingredients, 1 packet is worth 4 packets.

It can be repeatedly brewed 3-4 times, still rich in flavor and nutrients!
General tea bags have a small proportion of nutrients and are only suitable for a single brew, but each of our tea bags is like a full-meal packet, and does not need to be boiled for more than 10 hours, just a simple brew can be easy to maintain health.

Strictly selected from Taiwan's native Xiluo black beans grown on the banks of the Choling River, no pesticide residues, non-genetically modified, no preservatives or artificial flavors added, and brewed to perfection.

I like the smell of the Invigorating Herbal Tea, but it doesn't taste like medicine.




A1:長期飲用月康三階段調理茶可以幫助保養、調理,若是有生理期困擾的女性,建議做 3-6個月的飲用調理,幫助調節生理機能。 



A2:月康三階段調理茶是一般保養也可以使用的,持續使用 3個月,讓妳更能掌握生理週期。最重要的是,務必注意飲食均衡,少吃生冷食物;作息正常,不要熬夜;還有放鬆心情,並且適量的運動。感受會更好!



A3: ・ 淨化配方:來的第 1-5天飲用,促進新陳代謝,調節生理機能。

・ 滋養配方:結束後第 1-5天飲用,補回流失過多的鐵質及增強體力。 ・ 調理配方:下次來前 1-5天飲用,調整體質,舒緩下次來前不適。



A4:建議連續使用 3-6個月,以幫助完整調理。

・ 茶包用法:熱水約 200cc沖泡,早晚各 1包。 ・ 燉品煮法:1次 2包(1日份),加 450cc水或米酒燉煮 15分鐘,可另加雞肉或排骨烹調。

Q5:我需要1天喝 2包嗎?


A5:建議1天喝 2包,早晚喝1包,可回沖 2次。



A6:您可以把提醒自己的時間輸入手機的行事曆模式,幫助自己做保養 MC 的提醒,才能擁有好心情、好氣色、好體力哦!









A9:因為風車的藥膳方與茶包系列產品都是經過多年研發而成,溫和且適合現代人的需求,必須同時服用西藥和風車藥膳方或茶包時,只需注意 1個小時的間隔時間即可。



A10:月康三階段調理茶為嚴選原始素材無添加而且溫和,在哺乳期間、MC 來時也可以飲用,請您安心。而關於妳預計懷孕的問題,飲用月康可以幫助調節生理機能,所以在準備懷孕期間飲用溫和的月康並無大礙,不過,有些媽咪會在懷孕前停用所有中西醫藥相關產品,在這種情況下,建議您在準備受孕的前 3個月開始停用即可。






A12:生理期不準是一個訊號,不得不重視!建議每個月 MC 來就由淨化配方開始連續喝 5天。

Q13:如果 MC 第 3天就停了,我就停止喝淨化嗎?


A13:如果 MC 3天就停,建議仍要持續喝淨化配方到第 5天,幫助代謝!接下來休息 5天後再喝滋補配方幫助營養的補充。休息 5天;接下來再喝調理配方。如果在喝調理配方的期間 MC 來,就改喝淨化配方。



A14:建議可採用月康三階段調理茶作正確的飲用(至少須連續喝 3個月以上,每盒 10包,1日喝完 2包),應可舒緩與調理。但同時須配合飲食與正常的作息才會有機會調整體質,建議:生理期前 1週內要禁食‒油炸類食物,如有痘痘產生,可用蛋白敷臉,等乾掉後,再用溫水洗淨即可!(平常也可如此做)