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Monthly Herbal Tea - Restore

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Specially Designed for Nourishment and Supplementation After Your Period

・ Helps replenish lost blood and vitality after your period, to regain your strength
・ Includes active ingredients such as shu di, bai shao, huang qi, and dang shen to help reinvigorate blood flow 
・ Packed in individual packets for convenience and ease of use

Regular Price
$21.22 USD
Sale Price
$21.22 USD
Regular Price
$24.25 USD
Sold Out
Unit Price

Unit(s) | 1 box

Why We Created This

A woman will have approximately 40 years of periods throughout her life; that’s quite a long time! Fortunately, your menstrual cycle represents an important opportunity to diagnose how you are doing physically, as well as a chance to make minor adjustments through natural herbal remedies. Based on Dr. Chuang Shu Chi’s health philosophy, and using western-backed science and natural herbal solutions, our herbal tea for you monthly cycle is the key to a solid health foundation!

Main Ingredients
Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Rehmanniae Radix, Paeoniae Alba Radix, Glycyrrhizae Radix, Astragali Radix, Codonopsis Pilosulae Radix, Jujube, Dioscoreae Rhizoma, Boxthorn

I remember my youngest daughter suffered a lot from her menstrual cycle. When I saw her cowering on the side of the bed every month, even unable to move all day long, but I couldn't do anything about it, it made me feel both heartbroken and remorseful, and I was determined to find the most natural and gentle way to regulate my child's body, so that she wouldn't have to suffer any more. After continuous research and testing with Dr. Chuang, "Monthly Herbal Tea" was born! It gives your child a full month of complete care, so that she can be "healthy every month". She is now free from the hassles of menstruation. Seeing her transformation, I would like to share my love for my daughter with every woman who has transformed from a girl to a woman.

— Dr. Alexander Keh, M.D., Ph.D.

月康茶 ‒ 滋補配方






A2:長期飲用月康三階段調理茶可以幫助保養、調理,若是有生理期困擾的女性,建議做 3-6個月的飲用調理,幫助調節生理機能



A3:月康三階段調理茶是一般保養也可以使用的,持續使用 3個月,讓妳更能掌握生理週期。最重要的是,務必注意飲食均衡,少吃生冷食物;作息正常,不要熬夜;還有放鬆心情,並且適量的運動。感受會更好



A4: • 淨化配方:來的第 1-5天飲用,促進新陳代謝,調節生理機能。

• 滋養配方:結束後第 1-5天飲用,補回流失過多的鐵質及增強體力。 • 調理配方:下次來前 1-5天飲用,調整體質,舒緩下次來前不適。



A5:建議連續使用 3-6個月,以達到完整調理。

• 茶包用法:熱水約 200cc沖泡,早晚各 1包。 • 燉品煮法:1次 2包(1日份),加 450cc水或米酒燉煮 15分鐘,可另加雞肉或排骨烹調。